Play Me a Memory No. 1
This is a printed reproduction of an original oil painting (c. 2023) created by Rebecca van Gennip.
Product Details:
- Dimensions: 8.5" x 11" including the white border
- Ships unframed, for you to customize to your heart's desire.
- Includes the artist's handwritten signature and title on the front.
- Encased and securely protected in a crystal-clear plastic sleeve.
- Ships in a recyclable mailer with "fragile" indicators.
- Order processing and shipping is 1-3 business days
This is NOT a giclée archival reproduction. I have other prints available that are special "museum quality" giclée standard. Plus, all fine art giclée reproductions are limited edition and include a certificate of authenticity, which warrant a higher price and prestige. Please note that this print is kindly created with accessibility and affordability in mind, therefore this open edition print is not certified "archival” but will still always uphold high quality standards.
All art shown/listed are copyright © Rebecca van Gennip
Play Me a Memory No. 1 - Print
Sorry, no returns or exchanges. If you have any concerns regarding your order, feel free to contact me and I am happy to look into a solution for you!